Resourcing your journey
Sustainability is a big topic. There is so much to learn, so much to do and it can be overwhelming knowing where to start and what to do, as well as how to create impact in your business.
Here are some resources to help you along the way.

Hey SMEs have your say on the Emissions Reduction Plan – webinar with the Climate Change Commission

Where’s the Climate at Webinar – May 2023
Recently the BusinessNZ Network checked in with the climate, to understand the evolving role of business in managing climate change. Reducing our carbon footprint is only part the challenge. This years’ devastating weather events across the country have served as a...

Leading Today – International Women’s Day webinar

All things carbon webinar series – Part 5 – Climate positive, SBTIs and Scope 3
In the grand finale of this all things carbon webinar series, hear from 4 different experts - Barbara Nebel, CEO thinkstep-anz, Austin Hansell, Product Manager, Toitu Envirocare, Jonathan Pooch - Managing Director, Deta and Ian Challenger - Team Leader, Carbon...

All things carbon webinar series – Part 4 – Offset
In this extremely interesting webinar, explore the depths of carbon offsetting with highly regarded Kiwi pioneer in this space - Sean Weaver, CEO and Founder of Ekos, a key NZ carbon management and offsetting agency. Hear about the ins and outs of offsetting including...

All things carbon webinar series – Part 3 – Reduce
Hear Jonathan Pooch, Managing Director of Deta, Ian Challenger - Team Leader Carbon Management - Ekos and Barbara Nebel, CEO of Thinkstep taking us through why reduction is so critical to achieve the global 1.5 degrees trajectory and some principles and case studies...

All things carbon webinar series – Part 2 – Verify
Listen to the recording of Tessa McKnight and Alix McKenzie from Toitū Envirocare taking us through why, how and what to verify when it comes to verifying emissions along with some critical aspects to bear in mind.

All things carbon webinar series – Part 1: Measure
Hear Ben Nestor of Toitu and Barbara Nebel of thinkstep-anz unpack measuring your emissions, including case studies and Q & A.

Lifting the Living Standards of Aotearoa
Whether it is a fairer wage or pay parity or parental leave policies you want to delve into, check out these recorded webinars run by the Sustainable Business Council for the latest insights.

Transforming recycling: Consultation document
These three proposals are part of a longer-term shift toward a circular economy, where packaging is made of materials that maintain their value, are easy to recycle sustainably and have a low impact on the environment.

Re:Plastics design guide
Created by Plastics new Zealand and the team at Circularity Re:Plastics is a practical guide and a series of training sessions designed to actively transform how we view, use (or not use), recover and reuse plastics more responsibly and to their full potential. With...

5 ways that ESG adds value
Our firm is designed to operate as one—a single global partnership united by a strong set of values, including a deep commitment to diversity, and making positive social impact through our work and the way we run our firm.